Fortnite on Nintendo Switch is Pretty Much Confirmed Thanks to Korean Ratings Board

Yesterday, an image surfaced on the internet pointing to a list of Nintendo Switch games coming soon. Fortnite is one of these games. Now, images like the one below can be faked easily, but several websites confirmed they have heard about a Switch version of Fortnite.

nintendo switch E3 leak

Eurogamer reports they have heard the image above is in fact real. Folks talking to Kotaku also believe the leak is real.

The creators of Fortnite, Epic Games, aren’t saying anything about a Switch version. But a Korean Rating Board adds another mark to the confirmation category. The Korean Game Rating and Administration Committee (GRAC) published a rating for Fortnite on Nintendo Switch this morning.

News of a Nintendo Switch version of Fortnite isn’t all that surprising. Epic has the game running smoothly on mobile, so a Switch version seemed likely. The question is, will Epic add a little Nintendo flavor to Fortnite like we saw with Rocket League? I’m going to play it anyways, but toss in a few Nintendo-themed cosmetics, and I’m all over it.

Fortnite is dominating the gaming landscape, and a Switch version will only add more players to the millions already playing. It’s the modern-day “will it run DOOM?” I don’t expect Victory Royales to be popping up on printers or calculators, but Epic is making damn sure it can run on every modern device even capable of playing a game.

As for the rest of the Switch E3 leak? Sign me up for some Dragon Ball FighterZ on the go.