Sean Bean Pitches Hitman 2 in Live-Action Launch Trailer

Sean Bean joining the Hitman universe is some of the best marketing I’ve seen all holiday season. Watch Sean explain all the ways he’s going to die in under a minute.

That’s right. Sean’s going to continue his spree of dying in damn near everything you’ve watched with him in it. Hitman 2’s first Elusive Target mission is dubbed The Undying. Sean will be in Miami on November 20th, and you’ll get one chance to finish the job so many couldn’t. At least, in the Hitman universe. Killing Sean doesn’t seem so tough for everyone else.

Here’s the trailer for The Undying.

I hope the folks behind Hitman 2 keep Sean around as a running gag. Have him pop up again after the first Elusive Mission talking about how that was a body double you killed. And ‘The Undying’ won’t be so easy to get rid of.

Hell, after watching the couple of spots Sean Bean has been in – I want a mission dedicated to playing as him. Sean Bean and the Hitman universe is just too damn good of a mix.

Like Battlefield V and other big holiday games, Hitman 2 is getting in on the ‘early access’ action. Here’s how the release dates shake out.

November 13 – Standard ($59.99) and Silver ($79.99) editions
November 9 – Gold ($99.99) and Collector’s ($149.99) editions

This whole playing early by paying extra is nonsense. Just release the damn game already. I loved the last Hitman, but I’m not dropping $100 on it. Not after all the other games I bought and the ones still coming. Sorry Sean, my wallet isn’t ‘The Undying.’