The Game Awards Forgot Rocket League

Geoff Keighley is bringing The Game Awards back for the fifth year. It’ll be another celebration of developers hard work sprinkled with trailers from next year’s potential nominees.

The games up for awards are the usual suspects: Assassin’s Creed, God of War, Spiderman, Fortnite, Call of Duty, and more. But it was the “Best Ongoing Game” award that caught my eye. Let’s take a look at the nominees.

Destiny 2: Forsaken
No Man’s Sky
Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege

I know there are only five slots, but how are you going to do Rocket League like that? 3+ years later and the game still ranks as one of the most played games out there. Who ever envisioned a soccer car game could be so popular? And be so damn amazing? Hell, it’s probably my game of the generation. I can’t think of a single bad thing about it. Outside my own skill level. Diamond III will be my home forever.

Psyonix’s support is one of the best out there. The entire player base is supported. From the pros with excellent tournaments to fun new game modes to shake things up.

Yep, I’m a Rocket League nut. But it’s the one game I always come back to. No matter what other games I’m playing. Red Dead Redemption 2? Eh, I’m still trying to get to Champion. PUBG? 30-minute matches or 5 minutes? Rocket League often wins out.

The premise is simple, but the skill gap can be immense. I still can’t air roll worth a damn, but I never get tired of failing.

Since there are only five games on the list, someone has to go. I would give No Man’s Sky the boot. Hello Games did good stuff with the latest big update, but my heart is with Rocket League.

Don’t worry Rocket League, The Game Awards may have forgotten you – but I won’t.