DOOM Eternal’s Battlemode Explained in Six Minutes of Demon Slaying Action

Bethesda gave us an in-depth look at DOOM Eternal’s Battlemode at Quakecon last month. But yesterday, they went ahead and uploaded a six-minute video condensing all the stuff they talked about last month into an easier to digest video.

I covered a lot of the new stuff we learned in my other article, but here’s a quick primer on Battlemode. It’s a 2v1 mode pitting two demons against one decked-out Doom Slayer. It reminds me of Evolve’s take on multiplayer a few years back, but on a smaller scale. And the smaller scale should work in its favor. It’s easier to get two people working together than four. Evolve’s gameplay was good, but only when all four players worked together. And getting four random people to do that didn’t happen often.

It does bum me out we are not getting a traditional arena multiplayer mode, but multiplayer shooters have been shifting away from this arena-style for quite a while. Still, I am excited to see what Battlemode has to offer. I would rather see id Software try something new than chase after a Battle Royale mode that would instantly struggle to gain traction against Fortnite, PUBG, Apex Legends, and others.

Plus, id Software seems to think the mode will resonate with DOOM fans. They already have plans to support it after launch with new demons and maps — all coming for free.

DOOM Eternal is already a buy for me for the campaign alone. DOOM 2016 was one of the best ten-hour stretches of a shooter I’ve played in years. Plus, Mick Gordon is back. Get ready to Rip and Tear on November 22.