The Finals

The Finals Servers Are Already Maxed Out One Day Into The Open Beta

Twenty-four hours into the open beta for The Finals, and the game’s servers are already feeling the strain. This morning, the folks at Embark Studios announced a temporary login queue as they fire up more server capacity. Here’s part of what they had to say in their statement:

“It’s been a wild 24 hours since we kicked off the open beta for The Finals. With so many of you logging into the game, we’ve started to hit the limits of our capacity. In order to safeguard the experience for those that are playing – and as we work to expand our capacity – we will be introducing a temporary login queue.”

Just how popular is The Finals right now? Steam puts the peak concurrent players over the past 24 hours at around 140,000. Even with the login queue, nearly 110,000 players are hitting the servers on Steam.

Numbers on the console side of things are tough to gauge since both Microsoft and Sony don’t release specific charts like this. Microsoft has an ‘Xbox most played’ page on their website, but that only gets updated every few days and hasn’t been updated since the open beta began. 

The Finals isn’t your typical Battle Royale or hero-based shooter. Its matches pit teams of three against one another with a huge emphasis on destructible environments and gunplay. A group of former Battlefield developers formed Embark Studios, and their love for destructible environments from older Battlefield games shines through with The Finals.

The Finals’ open beta is underway right now until November 5 (through next weekend). No word on a specific release date yet, but the Steam page says “Coming Soon.” And with the game in open beta, it could come before the end of the year.