Red Dead Redemption 2 Is Going To Be A Screenshot Paradise

The second gameplay trailer for Red Dead Redemption 2 is here, and it’s an even more stunning look at the game than the first. From train heists and playing a hand of cards to bounty hunting or seeing a show, Rockstar Games gives us a tease of the open world they’ve crafted.

The trailer makes it look and sound like the next evolution of the open-world genre. We’ll see if it can be that next step forward like The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt was when it hits Xbox One and PlayStation 4 on October 26.

The gameplay looks like a blast, but the visuals are blowing me away. And they’re begging for a photo mode. Rockstar isn’t specifically announcing a photo mode yet, but the trailer describes “new cinematic cameras.” The quick cuts we see are outstanding. I love this shot.

Red Dead Redemption 2 cinematic camera

I’m crossing my fingers we’re not limited to only certain cinematic camera angles. A full-fledged photo mode would be perfect. Especially, with how the game’s systems can change how your character looks.

Red Dead Redemption 2’s second trailer shows plenty to like, but I’m still waiting on more news about Rockstar’s approach to multiplayer. After GTA Online exploded, we all know a similar online framework is coming to Red Dead Redemption 2. But how will it be implemented? Plus, the game’s setting limits what we can do and how we do it. You can’t exactly have jetpacks in the western frontier.

The only thing we know about Red Dead Online is that it’ll launch as a public beta in November. And that it be “an evolution of the classic multiplayer experience in the original Red Dead Redemption, blending narrative with competitive and cooperative gameplay in fun new ways.” After watching today’s trailer, sign me up for what Rockstar is offering.