One of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare’s Killstreaks Hint at Much Bigger Maps

The folks at Infinity Ward continue dropping teases ahead of tomorrow’s multiplayer reveal. Earlier this week, we learned killstreaks are making their return to Call of Duty. Killstreaks were replaced by Scorestreaks starting in Black Ops II. Instead of kills, many actions (assists, objective captures, etc.) counted towards earning Scorestreaks.

With Modern Warfare, Infinity Ward is going back to the old way. Before I dive into my thoughts on the change, I want to focus on one of the Killstreaks teased.

The Infantry Assault Vehicle is described as a “manned light infantry assault vehicle with a .50 cal machine gun on top. It’s a small tank. But this isn’t some mini-tank we’ve seen before. It’s an armored vehicle that looks more at home in a modern Battlefield game. No way we’re seeing that thing rolling around on a normal multiplayer map.

Could we see Call of Duty finally push into Battlefield’s bigger multiplayer battles? I sure hope so. Plus, with Battlefield V’s rough launch – Call of Duty could snag Battlefield fans who yearn for big battles in a modern setting.

Making the leap from one killstreak to much bigger maps might seem a bit much, but I don’t see how that Infantry Assault Vehicle fits in an average Call of Duty map. I hope Infinity Ward goes all in and gives us 20v20 matches (or more) with wide-open maps. It would scratch the modern Battlefield itch until Battlefield 6 (or whatever they end up doing) releases.

Killstreaks vs. Scorestreaks

That’s the big headline from this week’s tease. Scorestreaks are out, killstreaks are back in. My first reaction? I’m torn. I prefer scorestreaks since I mostly play objective modes. Killstreaks mean players are more likely to hang back and get kills instead of going for the objective. But players do that anyways.

It doesn’t matter either way. People will play around whatever cool killstreaks the devs add to Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. Nothing Infinity Ward does can stop folks from camping to earn killstreaks. Outside of taking them out, and that’s never going to happen.

I’m more interested in what the Infantry Assault Vehicle means for potentially bigger matches. We’ll see just how big this multiplayer universe will be when it’s all revealed tomorrow.